Wednesday, October 2, 2013

DFM Project Proposal : Battle of the Dome

Project Proposal : Battle of The Dome

This is a project in which four characters(characters yet to be decided) take place in a tournament known as “Battle of the Dome”. The skit is to be set up as an actual tournament with commentary and spectators. This is a Game that you can play down by the river and it is a dome like structure made of pipes. And on these pipes are egg shaped bubbles that have a metal face on them with a circle. There is also a larger round board where you can choose your game type. The game works like whack a mole, in the sense that the egg shaped bubbles surrounding you light up in a particular pattern and you have to push on the circle in the bubble to get a point. Depending on the game type you pick depends on the difficulty. This will be a scripted out skit with 3 main components. The players, the commentators and the audience, a table will be set up for the commentators and cameras will be strategically placed around the dome to capture footage of the players. The audience with either be surrounding the dome with the cameras or will be on a bleacher like structure cheering for the designated favorite player. The players themselves will be dressed in different costumes all contrasting one another in look and assumed personality. The equipment that will be needed for this skit are cameras that have microphones built in to them, a team of of 12-15 people and four players who can some what act and maybe even perform semi acrobatic acts. 
The two videos above are examples of how the video would be set up, with staged cinematic shots that emphasize the a characters personality. 
Above is an example of what the game looks like.

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